Climate Resilient Agriculture

Problem Statement

Most of the agriculture in India is highly dependent on the reliability of monsoons and climate change is expected to profoundly change it. The number of consecutive dry-days and droughts have been increasing in large swathes of India in the past century and are expected to keep increasing. Water use is increasing across agricultural, industrial, and domestic sectors, drying up our rivers and depleting groundwater in many parts. Agriculture being the largest user of water has to get its act together by better water budgeting if it has to thrive in the changing world.

Our Approach for Solution

Better World Foundation is working in the field of watershed management in various regions to empower farmers to understand and plant their water resources. We incorporate scientific hydrologic and hydrogeologic studies to understand which are the best ares for recharge and in which areas there is scope for more pro-poor sustainable groundwater extraction. We build the capacity of communities to monitor their rainfall and groundwater levels which in turn is being used to prepare water budgets.