Goat Bank Initiative

Problem Statement

Goat rearing is a key source of livelihood and insurance in rural areas, especially in eastern India. However farmers face major hurdles in terms of breeding, livestock health, and credit.

Our Approach for Solution

Better World Foundation has initiated a pilot project to establish best practices in goatery based extension services. The Goat Bank facilitates animal lending facilities alongside associated training, capacity building exercises, and market linkages.

The project is currently underway in Ramgarh district as a pilot scale and aims to facilitate inclusive and sustainable goat value chain primarily through an animal lending facility. It focuses on identification, amplification, documentation and dissemination of best practices across the district. It is aimed at making farmers more self-reliant with sustained support from the Government. The larger aim is to create a replicable model to nurture innovative agripreneurs and support emerging agribusiness through goatery.