Project Management Unit for Birsa Samekit Vikas Yojana

Problem Statement

To address the varied challenges of the agricultural community using a hyper-local model and aims to increase farmer incomes.

Our Approach for Solution

Government of Jharkhand has envisaged a program called Birsa Samekit Vikash Yojana with the aim of forming Krishak-Pathshalas and Birsa Grams throughout the state. Krishak-Pathshalas are essentially agricultural schools which would seed the development of Farmer Producer Organizations in the neighboring villages (Birsa Grams).

“Birsa Gram'' focuses on development of model villages across the state of Jharkhand wherein there will be a convergence of all the relevant schemes of various departments like Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture, Irrigation etc. These villages will provide the necessary ecosystem for the households to enhance their productivity and move towards a high value production system. “Krishak Pathshalas'' are going to be an important companion for “Birsa Gram” wherein a model farm will be developed in a dedicated plot to facilitate “Learning by seeing” approach for the farmers from cluster of 6-8 nearby Birsa Grams. 17 pathshala are being developed in the initial phase which would be scaled to up to 100 subsequently.