Capacity Building of Van Samitis

Problem Statement

Local self-governance amongst the marginalized tribal communities and forest dwellers is a very big challenge. Proper awareness regarding developmental facilities of the villages in and around forested areas are still not available. Biodiversity of the inhabitants of the forests are not properly taken care.

Our Approach for Solution

The Forest Rights Act, 2006 was passed with the intent of addressing the historical injustice done to traditional forest dwellers of India. It was enacted to protect the right to life and livelihood of scheduled tribes and other traditional forest dwellers. The act empowers and encourages local self-governance amongst the marginalized tribal communities and forest dwellers. It helps in Conserving the traditional knowledge and the intellectual property rights related to cultural diversity and biodiversity of the inhabitants of the forests. It provides guidelines for undertaking developmental facilities of the villages in and around forested areas. It helps in the promotion of vulnerable groups and aims at alleviating their poverty levels.